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The Black Keys Have Love Will Travel Lyrics

The Black Keys Have Love Will Travel Lyrics

The Black Keys are known for their blues rock style and catchy lyrics, and "Have Love Will Travel" is no exception. The song was released in 2003 as part of their album "Thickfreakness". The lyrics of the song convey a message of love and the lengths one will go to find it. In this article, we'll dive deep into the lyrics and explore their meaning.

Verse 1

Verse 1

The first verse of the song goes like this:

Oh, the road is long
And the road is hard, too
But I ain't gonna stop
Till I find that truth.

The lyrics in this verse suggest that finding love is not an easy task. It requires hard work and determination, but the singer is willing to put in the effort in order to find "that truth". The use of the word "truth" might be referring to the idea that love is a fundamental truth of life that everyone seeks.



The chorus of the song is the most memorable part and goes:

Have love, whoa baby will travel
Have love, yea baby will travel.

The lyrics in the chorus are pretty self-explanatory. It suggests that the singer is willing to go wherever they need to go in order to find love. The repetition of "whoa baby" and "yea baby" adds a playful and flirtatious tone to the song.

Verse 2

Verse 2

The second verse of the song goes like this:

If you need lovin'
Then, oh baby, I'll travel
I'll travel from Maine down to Mexico
To find that girl that loves me so.

Similar to the first verse, the second verse reinforces the idea that the singer is willing to travel far and wide in order to find the love they seek. The mention of travelling from Maine down to Mexico shows just how committed the singer is to finding love. The mention of "that girl that loves me so" also suggests that the singer is looking for a specific person rather than just any love interest.



The bridge of the song goes like this:

All the stars are out tonight
Two of them just twinkling in my eyes
I'm on my way, I'm never gonna stop
Gonna drive all night, till I get to that spot.

The lyrics in this bridge convey a sense of excitement and anticipation for finding love. The mention of the stars and twinkling in the singer's eyes suggests a romantic atmosphere. The line "I'm never gonna stop" reinforces the idea of the singer's unwavering commitment to finding love.


"Have Love Will Travel" by The Black Keys is a song about the lengths one will go to find love. The lyrics convey a sense of determination and commitment to finding "that truth" and the playful and flirtatious tone in the chorus adds a sense of fun and excitement to the song. Whether you're in search of love or just looking for a catchy tune to listen to, "Have Love Will Travel" is a song that will surely get stuck in your head.

Related video of The Black Keys Have Love Will Travel Lyrics: A Analysis of the Song