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Maximum Travel Per Diem Allowances For Foreign Areas

Travel Per Diem Allowances

Traveling to foreign areas involves a lot of expenses that can sometimes be overwhelming. It is therefore essential to have a good understanding of per diem allowances for different countries. A per diem allowance is the amount of money paid to an employee to cover daily expenses incurred while on business travel. This article will provide a comprehensive guide on maximum travel per diem allowances for foreign areas.

What is Per Diem Allowance?

Per Diem

Per diem is a Latin term that means "per day." It is a daily allowance given to employees to cover the cost of lodging, meals, and incidental expenses while they are traveling for work. Per diem allowances are paid to employees who are traveling away from their home or regular place of work for a short period, either within the United States or to foreign areas.

Maximum Per Diem Allowance Rates for Foreign Areas

World Map

The maximum per diem allowances for foreign areas vary depending on the location, time of the year, and the purpose of travel. The U.S. Department of State establishes per diem rates for foreign areas, and the rates are updated annually. For example, in the year 2021, the maximum per diem rate for high-cost foreign areas is $297, and the maximum rate for low-cost foreign areas is $188.

High-Cost Foreign Areas

High Cost Foreign Areas

High-cost foreign areas are locations where the cost of living and doing business is higher than in the United States. Some of the high-cost foreign areas include Tokyo, Geneva, Hong Kong, and Paris. The maximum per diem allowance rate for these areas is $297. This rate includes the cost of meals, lodging, and incidental expenses.

Low-Cost Foreign Areas

Low Cost Foreign Areas

Low-cost foreign areas are locations where the cost of living and doing business is lower than in the United States. Some of the low-cost foreign areas include Mexico City, Manila, and Nairobi. The maximum per diem allowance rate for these areas is $188. This rate includes the cost of meals, lodging, and incidental expenses.

OCONUS (Outside the Continental United States)


OCONUS is a term used to describe locations outside of the continental United States, including Alaska, Hawaii, and U.S. territories. The maximum per diem allowance rate for OCONUS locations is established by the U.S. Department of Defense. The per diem rates for OCONUS locations can vary depending on the location, time of year, and the purpose of travel. These rates are published on the Defense Travel Management Office website.

Factors Affecting Per Diem Allowances

Factors Affecting Per Diem Allowances

Several factors affect per diem allowances for foreign areas. Such factors include the location of travel, time of year, and purpose of travel. The per diem allowances for foreign areas can be higher or lower than the standard rate depending on these factors.

Location of Travel

Per diem allowances for foreign areas vary depending on the location of travel. The cost of living and doing business in high-cost foreign areas like Tokyo and Paris is higher than in low-cost foreign areas like Mexico City and Nairobi. Therefore, the per diem allowances for high-cost foreign areas are higher than those for low-cost foreign areas.

Time of Year

The time of year can also affect per diem allowances for foreign areas. For example, traveling during peak tourism seasons can increase the cost of lodging and meals, resulting in higher per diem allowances. Conversely, traveling during off-peak seasons can result in lower per diem allowances.

Purpose of Travel

The purpose of travel can also affect per diem allowances for foreign areas. Some types of travel, such as conference attendance, may have a higher per diem allowance than others, such as group training events. The purpose of travel can affect the per diem allowances due to the different expenses that may be incurred.


Maximum travel per diem allowances for foreign areas are essential for employees who travel abroad for business purposes. The U.S. Department of State and Department of Defense establish per diem rates for foreign areas, and the rates are updated annually. It is essential to understand the maximum per diem allowances for specific locations, including high-cost and low-cost foreign areas. This understanding will help employees plan their travel expenses, ensuring that they stay within the per diem allowances.

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