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Assassin's Creed 3 Boston Fast Travel Locations

Assassin's Creed 3 takes place in Boston during the American Revolution. The game features an open-world environment, allowing players to explore this historic city at their own pace. However, with Boston being such a large city, getting around can be time-consuming. Fortunately, the game offers fast travel options that will make your journey much easier. In this article, we'll be exploring the different fast travel locations in Assassin's Creed 3.

What is Fast Travel?

Fast travel is a way of quickly moving around the game's world without the need for physically traveling on foot or by horseback. This feature is particularly useful for players who want to travel quickly between different locations or missions without wasting time. In Assassin's Creed 3, the fast travel system is represented by specific locations on the map where players can interact with a fast travel marker to instantly teleport to another location.

What Is Fast Travel?

How to Unlock Fast Travel Locations

Not all fast travel locations are available at the start of the game. As you progress through the story, you will unlock new locations. To unlock the fast travel locations, you need to synchronize with a viewpoint in that particular location. This means you must climb to the viewpoint and synchronize with it by pressing the corresponding button when prompted. Once you've synchronized with a viewpoint, you will unlock that location's fast travel point.

Unlocking Fast Travel Locations

List of Fast Travel Locations in Boston

Here are the different fast travel locations you can unlock in Boston:

North Boston Fast Travel

North Boston Fast Travel

The first Boston fast travel location is in the north of the city, near the harbor. It is located on top of the Old North Church, which is a famous landmark in Boston. This location is unlocked after you complete the sequence 4 mission called "Boston's Most Wanted."

Central Boston Fast Travel

Central Boston Fast Travel

The second Boston fast travel location is in the central part of the city, near the Boston Common. It is located on top of a tall building that can be reached by climbing a nearby structure. This location is unlocked after you complete the sequence 6 mission called "The Tea Party."

South Boston Fast Travel

South Boston Fast Travel

The third Boston fast travel location is in the south of the city, near the docks. It is located on top of a building that is accessed via a small alleyway. This location is unlocked after you complete the sequence 9 mission called "Battle of Monmouth."

Frontier Fast Travel

Frontier Fast Travel

Although not a fast travel location within Boston, the frontier fast travel location is accessed from Boston. The fast travel marker is located in the northern part of Boston, near the north-eastern edge of the map. Once unlocked, this location allows you to quickly travel to different locations in the frontier. This location is unlocked after you complete the sequence 6 mission called "On Johnson's Trail."


Assassin's Creed 3 offers players several fast travel locations within Boston, making it easier to navigate the game's world. To unlock these locations, you need to synchronize with the corresponding viewpoint in that area. By utilizing fast travel, you can save time and focus on the game's main story or explore other parts of the game on your own terms.

Related video of Assassin's Creed 3 Boston Fast Travel Locations